Saturday, February 10, 2018

ICYMI Arthur Schaper Trashes Biased Sanctuary City Council


This video has been gaining traction once again. It should. The corrupt, arbitrary behavior of the Huntington Park City Council.

A few left-wing media opponents had been following me for about three months. They recorded this segment from the July 5th, 2017 city council meeting, convinced that it would embarrass me or discourage my appearance at future city council meetings.

The video was later uploaded to Facebook on the NoBS Media site, and it received the most views on their channel. Their shameful proposal backfired, however, since I received nothing but support from viewers all over the country.

I really ripped up the city council for picking and choosing which people were and were not called out of order. I also presented to the city council that they had approved false and misleading minutes from the June 6, 2017 Huntington Park City Council meeting, when I was falsely and unjustly placed under arrest.

Not only was the city council humiliated, but the corrupt chief of police and sergeant at arms Joseph Settles got an earful from me. The rest of the left-wing pro-illegal activists were shocked, outraged, and beyond furious. I really took them to the cleaners that day.

And they could do nothing about it.

The "Defend Movement" members stormed out of the meeting, then the followed us out to our cars, where we slammed them repeatedly for their outrageous, hateful behavior. They ran off to another event with Rep. Maxine Waters, but they walked out with egg on their faces, unable to stop our moral crusade against illegal immigration and corrupt city councilmembers.

Let us be bold in calling out lawlessness. We will not let anyone get away with harassing us and limiting our rights as citizens in our country!

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